My Story: Stone Painting Made Me Financially Independent & Overcome My Issues

Image Credit: Atypical Advantage

Atypical Advantage

My Story: 'Stone Painting Made Me Financially Independent & Overcome My Issues'

Nehal Tiwari was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder when she was a child. Her parents were worried about her leading a normal life. She started to learn painting and later it made her financially independent. Her work has received recognition at the state and national level.

I was barely two when I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Naturally, my parents were worried about my future and whether I could be an active part of mainstream society. As a child, I was shy and struggled with expressing myself.

My parents adopted various methods to help me, painting was one of them. While in school, I would spend hours bringing drawings alive with vibrant colours. Seeing the colours light up the white paper gave me a lot of happiness.

However, it was only in college that I actively pursued art. I learnt the art of stone painting in a workshop conducted in the college. I was pleasantly shocked to see the effect colours had on a dull and grey pebble. I tried my hand at it and there was no looking back.

Painting and pebbles have been my constant companion and they have helped me overcome my issues with language and communication.

Sure, stone painting is a little tough as the colour spills on stones due to its shape and also the paint doesn't get absorbed due to its nature. So the effort and the drying time are way more than a conventional painting on paper. I use acrylic colours that take 15 days to dry.

My creations soon found commercial value and I started selling them online and through Atypical Advantage. My stone paintings have also been displayed at exhibitions organised at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

I am currently working as an Associate Consultant at a Big4 firm while making my name with stone paintings. Stone paintings have made me financially independent. I hope to sell my paintings in every country someday.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Atypical Advantage
Creatives : Ankita Singh
Guest Author : Atypical Advantage

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