This Valentines Day, Embrace Mindfulness For Meaningful And Soulful Connections

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This Valentines Day, Embrace Mindfulness For Meaningful And Soulful Connections

Mindfulness is helpful in the starting phase of dating when we are looking for a potential match and helps build meaningful and fulfilling relationships and deepen the intimacy with our partner.

Mindfulness is a practice that refers to paying attention and being aware of what's happening inside us and around us at the moment. It helps us proactively build a life more aligned with our goals and values instead of running on an autopilot mode.

On extending the concept of mindfulness to dating, mindful dating involves being aware of our needs, values and goals. It takes into cognizance negotiables and non-negotiables in a relationship and then meeting people to see if there's an alignment.

It would also involve being present on dates, being a reasonable observer and a listener to understand how the other person is, rather than looking at them through our lens of past conditioning and future expectations. It also includes taking the process as a learning experience, of being more explicit about your wants, not taking rejections personally and being mindful of being respectful while saying no to others.

Mindfulness In Online Dating

The pandemic has restricted people from many outdoor activities and socializing, which was a significant avenue of meeting like-minded people. Many people are using online dating apps to find a potential match. The entire process of screening people through a human catalogue kind of format can be exhaustive.

Mindfulness can play a considerable role, hereby being intentional about dating and being clear about your negotiables and non-negotiables and having those conversations early on about saving time and energy for both people involved.

Helps Deepen Intimacy

What stage are we in life? Are we looking for something casual or long term? What are our core values, and what values would we want our partner to have? What is our communication style? What type of communication style should our partner have? Where do relationships fall on our list of priorities? And does our partner also prioritize relationships in the scheme of things?

Mindfulness as a skill is not only helpful in the starting phase of dating when we are looking for a potential match, but it also helps build meaningful and fulfilling relationships and deepen the intimacy with our partner.

It can help us to be present and give the gift of our undivided attention to our partner. It can also enable us to understand our partner's love language, i.e. how they like to give and receive love. And it can help us to navigate conflicts and disagreements calmly.

So, this Valentine's Day, invite Mindfulness into your relationships and enjoy meaningful, fulfilling and soulful connections.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Creatives : Shiva Chaudhary
Guest Author : Shweta Advani

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